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发布日期:2025-01-04 16:17    点击次数:181
艺术与和平—首届国际艺术名家网络双年展(十) 参展艺术家(排名不分先后) 卢禹舜,男,满族,现任中国国家画院副院长、文化部高级职称评审委员、中国艺术研究院博士生导师、哈尔滨师范大学副校长,教授。黑龙江省中华文化发展基金会会长,中国美术家协会理事,中国美术家协会中国画艺委会委员,教育部高等学校艺术类专业指导委员会委员,中国高校艺术教育委员会委员,黑龙江省政协常委,黑龙江省高级职称评审委员,黑龙江艺术教育委员会副主任,中国艺术研究院中国美术创作院特聘创作研究员,俄罗斯列宾美院荣誉教授,美国洛杉矶大学客座教授,《中国画研究》副主编、《艺术研究》主编。被评为第二届“全国中青年德艺双馨文艺工作者”荣誉称号、全国优秀教师,中国文联建国五十年全国百名优秀文艺家,“黑龙江省首届十大杰出青年”、“德艺双馨艺术家”、有突出贡献优秀中青年专家,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。 Lu Yushun, male, Manchu, currently serves as Vice President of the National Academy of Painting of China, Senior Title Evaluation Committee Member of the Ministry of Culture, Doctoral Supervisor of the Chinese Academy of Arts, Vice President and Professor of Harbin Normal University. President of the Chinese Culture Development Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, Director of the China Artists Association, Member of the Chinese Painting Art Committee of the China Artists Association, Member of the Guidance Committee for Art Majors in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, Member of the Art Education Committee of Chinese Universities, Member of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Member of the Evaluation Committee for Senior Professional Titles in Heilongjiang Province, Deputy Director of the Heilongjiang Art Education Committee, Specially Appointed Creative Researcher at the China Academy of Art of the China Academy of Arts, Honorary Professor at the Repin Academy of Fine Arts in Russia, Visiting Professor at the University of Los Angeles in the United States, Deputy Editor in Chief of "Chinese Painting Research" and Editor in Chief. Was awarded the honorary title of "National Young and Middle aged Literary and Artistic Workers with Dual Virtue and Art" in the second session, National Excellent Teacher, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles' Top 100 Outstanding Artists in the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, "Top Ten Outstanding Youth of Heilongjiang Province", "Artist with Dual Virtue and Art", Outstanding Young and Middle aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions, and enjoys the special allowance of the State Council government. 参展作品 卢禹舜作品 苔妲·贾撒列维克1979年出生于波黑萨拉热窝。2002年毕业于波黑萨拉热窝美术学院版画系,获学士学位。2010年毕业于日本女子美术大学,获美术学博士学位。其作品多次在国际展览上展出并获奖。自2009年起成为日本大学版画研究委员会成员,2002年起任波黑艺术家协会会员。现任波黑东萨拉热窝大学版画系副教授。 Teda Jasarevic was born in 1979 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Graduated from the Printmaking Department of the Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2002 with a Bachelor's degree. Graduated from Japan Women's Art University in 2010 with a PhD in Fine Arts. His works have been exhibited multiple times at international exhibitions and have won awards. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Japan University Printmaking Research Committee, and since 2002, he has been a member of the Hakurei Artists Association. Current Associate Professor at the Printmaking Department of East Sarajevo University in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 参展作品 苔妲·贾撒列维克作品 任纪成,号五岳岱枫,1958年出生,山东省淄博市人。自幼酷爱绘画雕塑艺术,40余年笔耕不辍,为艺术打下坚实基础。1979年在山东艺术学院,师从李振才、石振锋、段古枫教授,专修花鸟人物。2015年在中央美院李刚教授门下研修山水画写生及创作。2016年在北京大学艺术学院,中国画导师崔晓东高研班研修山水画。经诸位教授亲临口传手授,对中国传统山水及历代名家的独特风格技法进行系统研学。2022年5月作品《寿比南山》成功入展中国文艺网,并被中华文化资源数据库、中华数字艺术城永久收录。被多家单位认定为"企业最具收藏艺术家"荣誉称号。 现为高级国画创作师、孔子美术馆特聘客座教授、水墨五岳书画艺术院院长、中国书画家联谊会新文艺工委会副主任、中国教育电视台水墨丹青书画家院会员、中国楹联学会书画艺术研究会会员、中国当代书画艺术家协会会员、中企报盟信息科学研究院院士、华夏国艺书画艺术中心特聘画家、山东省淄博市雕塑艺术协会理事、中国非物质文化遗产保护协会发展部会长、中国服务贸易协会国际交流工作委员会会员。 其山水画作品用笔讲究、线条疏秀流畅、刚柔相济、变化无穷,作品人物、花卉、雕塑亦独创一格。纵观当代著名画家任纪成先生的山水创作,恰是法修高门得授心诀,文化修为博观厚积之后的正宗气象。他在师古、师今、师造化的山水透悟中,形成了笔墨沉稳,皴法机变,筋骨气韵双佳的创作风格,成为山水龙脉传承的时代典范。 Ren Jicheng, also known as Wuyue Daifeng, was born in 1958 in Zibo City, Shandong Province. I have had a passion for painting and sculpture since childhood, and have been working tirelessly for over 40 years, laying a solid foundation for art. In 1979, I studied under professors Li Zhencai, Shi Zhenfeng, and Duan Gufeng at Shandong Academy of Arts, specializing in flower and bird figures. In 2015, I studied landscape painting sketching and creation under Professor Li Gang at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2016, Cui Xiaodong, a Chinese painting mentor, studied landscape painting in the advanced research class at the School of Arts, Peking University. Through the personal oral and manual teaching of various professors, we have conducted a systematic study of traditional Chinese landscapes and the unique styles and techniques of famous artists throughout history. In May 2022, the work "Shoubi Nanshan" was successfully exhibited on China Literature and Art Network and permanently included in the Chinese Cultural Resources Database and China Digital Art City. Recognized as the honorary title of "Enterprise's Most Collectible Artist" by multiple units. I am currently a senior Chinese painting creator, a specially appointed guest professor at the Confucius Museum, the president of the Five Mountains Ink Painting and Calligraphy Art Institute, the deputy director of the New Literature and Art Working Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member of the Ink Painting and Calligraphy Academy of China Education Television, a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplets Society, a member of the Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, an academician of the Information Science Research Institute of the China Enterprise Alliance, a specially appointed painter at the Huaxia National Art Painting and Calligraphy Art Center, a director of the Sculpture Art Association of Zibo City, Shandong Province, the president of the Development Department of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association, and a member of the. His landscape paintings are characterized by meticulous brushwork, graceful and smooth lines, a balance of hardness and softness, and endless variations. The characters, flowers, and sculptures in his works are also uniquely created. Looking at the landscape creations of the famous contemporary painter Ren Jicheng, it is precisely the authentic atmosphere after the profound cultivation of the Dharma and the accumulation of cultural knowledge. He formed a creative style of steady brushwork, varied texture techniques, and excellent muscle and bone charm through his understanding of ancient, modern, and natural landscapes, becoming a model for the inheritance of landscape dragon veins in the era. 参展作品 任纪成作品《世界和平 大国担当》 黄定林,曾任中学校长兼党支部书记等职务。广西诗词学会会员,中国大众文化学会书画专业委员会委员,东方文明传播会广西分会副主席兼文化厅厅长,东方诗人协会副主席,广西分会主席,东方兰亭诗社副社长,东方书法家协会副主席,中国书画家联谊会会员,中国楹联学会书法艺术研究委员会委员。 澳门文化艺术品产权文易所签约艺术家,“五个一工程”奖章获得者。 Huang Dinglin has held positions such as high school principal and party branch secretary. Member of Guangxi Poetry Society, member of the Calligraphy and Painting Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Popular Culture, Vice Chairman and Director of the Cultural Department of the Guangxi Branch of the Oriental Civilization Communication Association, Vice Chairman of the Oriental Poets Association, Chairman of the Guangxi Branch, Vice President of the Oriental Lanting Poetry Society, Vice Chairman of the Oriental Calligraphers Association, member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, and member of the Calligraphy Art Research Committee of the Chinese Couplets Association. Artist signed by the Macao Cultural and Artistic Property Exchange and recipient of the Five One Project Medal. 参展作品 黄定林作品《和平之光》 徐宏毅,全国书画艺术委员会主席,中国功勋人物,国家高级美术师,中央美院客座教授、清华大学美术学院客座教授、中央国家机关美术家协会、书法家协会理事,中国书法家协会会员,中国美术家协会会员,国资委课题研究中心调研员,国家民委书画专业委员会客座教授,中央艺术名家书画院名誉院长,央电视台《艺术传承》栏目组客座教授,1963年2月9日生于西安,从小学习书法和治印,书从唐楷入手丶隶书习曹全碑,草书习张芝,王羲之等笔法,思想追求完美,部分作品被中华人民共和国外交部和钓鱼台国宾馆收藏,作品巜唯德动天》被国家博物馆收藏,《无我奉献》被国家发改委收藏,作品《天道》被国家体育总局水立方永久收藏《厚德载物》《自强不息》被中国煤炭博物馆收藏,2013荣获中华国粹金奖.2014年荣获全国书画创意金奖,2012年荣获全国德艺双馨称号,2017年7月荣获纪念香港回归20周国际书画大赛金奖,和全国书画百杰人物,在2018年度中国时代风彩征评活动中被授于"金奖书画名家"。2021年被评为“全国艺术劳动模范”,现任:老兵书院院长,中国科学书画研究院副院长,中国书画家协会副主席,世界文化艺术研究中心非物质文化遗产保护专业委员会书法研究会副会长,国家统计局老年大学书法老师,陕西书法家协会会员,中国实力派书法家,画家,原文化部《中华翰墨风采》书画高级顾问,中国艺术家学会副会长,全国名人书画艺术界联合会主任委员改革开放四十周年功勋艺术家。香港文联美术家协会,书法协会会员。其作品在马来西亚.新加坡、日本,韩国等等各国展出、绘画以山水花鸟而闻名,很受世界各国友人的喜爱。 Xu Hongyi, Chairman of the National Committee of Calligraphy and Painting Arts, Chinese Meritorious Figure, National Senior Artist, Visiting Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Visiting Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University, Director of the Central State Organs Artists Association and Calligraphers Association, Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of the Chinese Artists Association, Researcher of the Research Center of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Visiting Professor of the Calligraphy and Painting Professional Committee of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Honorary Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Calligraphy and Painting, Visiting Professor of the CCTV "Art Inheritance" Program, born on February 9, 1963 in Xi'an, has been learning calligraphy and seal making since childhood. His calligraphy starts with Tang Kai script, and he practices Cao Quanbei in clerical script, Zhang Zhi in cursive script, Wang Xizhi and other brushstrokes, pursuing perfection in his thinking. Some of his works have been praised by the Ministry of Collected by the State Guesthouse, the work 'Only Virtue Moves the Sky' has been collected by the National Museum, The work "Dedication Without Me" has been collected by the National Development and Reform Commission, while the work "Heavenly Way" has been permanently collected by the Water Cube of the General Administration of Sport of China. The works "Carrying Things with Virtue" and "Self Strengthening" have been collected by the China Coal Museum. In 2013, it won the Chinese National Essence Gold Award. In 2014, it won the National Calligraphy and Painting Creative Gold Award. In 2012, it was awarded the National Moral and Artistic Double Happiness title. In July 2017, it won the Gold Award in the International Calligraphy and Painting Competition commemorating the 20th week of Hong Kong's return to China, as well as the National Top 100 Calligraphy and Painting Figures. It was awarded the "Gold Award Calligraphy and Painting Master". In 2021, he was awarded the "National Art model worker". Now, he is the president of the Veterans Academy, the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Science Calligraphy and Painting, the vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, the vice chairman of the Calligraphy Research Association of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Professional Committee of the World Culture and Arts Research Center, the calligraphy teacher of the Senior University of the National Bureau of Statistics, the member of the Shaanxi Calligraphers Association, the Chinese powerful calligrapher and painter, the former senior consultant of the Ministry of Culture on Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, the vice-chairman of the Chinese Artists Association, and the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up of the chairman of the National Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Arts Federation. Member of the Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles Artists Association and Calligraphy Association. His works have been exhibited and painted in various countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, etc. He is famous for his landscapes, flowers, and birds, and is very popular among friends from all over the world. 参展作品 徐宏毅作品《珍爱和平》
